Giving at Cornerstone

REASONS TO GIVE…even if giving is new for you!

Give Because You’ve Received. Ecclesiastes 5:19, Acts 17:25, and James 1:17 remind us that everything we have—from the ability to breathe to the income we receive—is a gift from God. Give because God’s given you everything you enjoy.

Give Because He Was Given For You. When church members in Corinth were not giving, Paul did not point to the Old Testament law’s demand that God’s people give 10%, but to the New Testament’s declaration that Christ gave 100% of his life to save us from our sins (2 Corinthians 8:9). Christians are to give 100% of their lives (time, talent, and treasure) to Christ out of gratitude and not guilt.

Give Because It Builds Faith. Giving is saying to the Lord, “I need you more than I need this money. I know you’ll provide for me in the future, so I will give for you in the present.”

Give Because It Destroys Idols. Giving is saying to the gods of this world (like money and comfort), “I don’t love and live for you, I love and live for the Lord, and I will prove it.”

Give Because It Builds Lasting Treasure. If someone guaranteed you a 100-fold return on an investment, you would invest everything you have! In Mark 10:29-30, 2 Corinthians 9:10-12, and 1 Timothy 6:17-19 God promises that generosity now yields 100-fold heavenly treasures later.

Give Regularly & Proportionally. God’s Word says, “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper…” (1 Corinthians 16:2). Whether it’s weekly or monthly, regular giving is a mark of God’s people. Although there’s no percentage of what to give in the New Testament, it seems clear that it should be in proportion to one’s income.

Give Generally & Particularly. One hundred percent of everything given goes to the work of Cornerstone’s overall mission. We separate all giving into three funds: a “General Fund,” a “Missions Fund,” and a “Cornerstone Friends Fund.”

- Cornerstone General Fund—enables us to fulfill our mission locally, from pulpit to pew.

- Cornerstone Missions Fund—enables us to send others out. Ten percent (10%) of all general offerings are directed to Missions. But 100% of offerings specifically designated for “Missions” go to these individuals and groups focused on particular fields or people groups.

- Cornerstone Friends Fund—enables us to care for particular needs of Cornerstone members who find themselves in a financial or care crisis. Every gift designated for “Cornerstone Friends” goes to this member care, and is administered by the Deacons with confidentiality and accountability.


In Person: Drop an offering in a “koinonia” box in the sanctuary or hallway. Unless otherwise designated, all gifts go toward the General Fund.

Online: Give online here (through ACS/Realm). You can set up one-time or recurring giving. If you desire a form of auto-draft, please contact Treasurer Vicki Wahab at the church office: 803.772.1000, ext. 1.